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/home/brennan/n-sim/OrbisQuartus/server/xen/backend/avl.h File Reference

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struct  avlnode
struct  avltree


unsigned long avl_size (struct avltree *tree)
avlnodeavl_find (unsigned long key, struct avltree *tree)
void * avl_retrieve (unsigned long key, struct avltree *tree)
avlnodeavl_find_min (struct avltree *tree)
avlnodeavl_find_max (struct avltree *tree)
int avl_insert (void *elt, unsigned long key, struct avltree *tree)
int avl_delete (void *elt, unsigned long key, struct avltree *tree)
void destroy_avltree (struct avlnode *root)
void avl_print (struct avltree *tree)
void avl_print_list (struct avltree *tree)

Function Documentation

int avl_delete void *  elt,
unsigned long  key,
struct avltree tree

Definition at line 330 of file avl.c.

struct avlnode* avl_find unsigned long  key,
struct avltree tree

Definition at line 138 of file avl.c.

struct avlnode* avl_find_max struct avltree tree  ) 

Definition at line 187 of file avl.c.

struct avlnode* avl_find_min struct avltree tree  ) 

Definition at line 169 of file avl.c.

int avl_insert void *  elt,
unsigned long  key,
struct avltree tree

Definition at line 269 of file avl.c.

void avl_print struct avltree tree  ) 

Definition at line 375 of file avl.c.

void avl_print_list struct avltree tree  ) 

Definition at line 385 of file avl.c.

void* avl_retrieve unsigned long  key,
struct avltree tree

Definition at line 160 of file avl.c.

unsigned long avl_size struct avltree tree  ) 

Definition at line 123 of file avl.c.

void destroy_avltree struct avlnode root  ) 

Definition at line 342 of file avl.c.

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