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/home/brennan/n-sim/Vaike/linux/system-addons/drivers/amptek.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include </usr/include/math.h>
#include "usb.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>

Go to the source code of this file.




#define PROGVERSION   ""
#define BOOL   int
#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0
#define D0   0x01
#define D1   0x02
#define D2   0x04
#define D3   0x08
#define D4   0x10
#define D5   0x20
#define D6   0x40
#define D7   0x80
#define DFF   0xff
#define LOG_FILEPATH_FLAG   0x00000001
#define SPECTRA_FILEPATH_FLAG   0x00000002
#define SPECTRA_SECONDS_FLAG   0x00000004
#define LOG_DOLOG_FLAG   0x00000008
#define PRE_ALARM_FLAG   0x00000010
#define POST_ALARM_FLAG   0x00000020
#define RING_SIZE_FLAG   0x00000040
#define DEAD_BAND_FLAG   0x00000080
#define BG_PERIOD_FLAG   0x00000100
#define SIGMA_ALARM_FLAG   0x00000200
#define PEAKTRACK_BIN_FLAG   0x00000400
#define PEAKTRACK_ROI_FLAG   0x00000800
#define PEAKTRACK_SMOOTH_FLAG   0x00001000
#define ALARM_FILEPATH_FLAG   0x00002000
#define SPECTRAOUT_SIZE_FLAG   0x00004000
#define BG_MINIMUM_FLAG   0x00008000
#define FORCE_NOALARM_FLAG   0x00010000
#define PEAKTRACK_FORCE_FLAG   0x00020000
#define ALL_FLAGS   0x0003ffff
#define IPPROTO_SCTP   132
#define MY_VID   0x0BD7
#define MY_PID   0xA021
#define REQUESTTYPEIN   0xc8
#define REQUESTTYPEOUT   0x48
#define EP_IN_STATUSA   0x81
#define EP_IN_SPECTRAA   0x82
#define EP_IN_STATUSB   0x83
#define EP_IN_SPECTRAB   0x84
#define EP_IN_CONFIGUR   0x85
#define EP_OUT_CONFIGUR   0x01
#define EP_OUT   0x01
#define CLEARBUFF_A   0x80
#define CLEARBUFF_B   0x81
#define ENABLEMCA   0x82
#define DISABLEMCA   0x83
#define BUF_SIZE   65
#define CONFIG_SIZE   64
#define STATUS_SIZE   64
#define SPECT_SIZE   (8192*3+1)
#define SPECT_FSIZE   (8192)
#define NOSPECTRA_TYPE   0
#define PREALARM_TYPE   2
#define ALARM_TYPE   3
#define POSTALARM_TYPE   4
#define GUARD_TYPE   5
#define BG_TYPE   6
#define FRAGMENTSIZE   1024
#define PKTDELAY   10000
#define min(x, y)   (x<y ? x:y)


usb_dev_handle * open_dev (void)
void print_to_log (char *)
char getconfig (char *pcBuf, int iOffset, char cMask, char cSigned)
double Transmogrify (double fInPut, double fPeakTrackOffset, BOOL bUseTemp)
double PeakTrack (double *dOutSpectrum, int iSize, int iExpectedBinPeak, int iRegionSize, int iSmoothWindow)
void ReBIN (double *dInSpectrum, int iInSize, double *dOutSpectrum, int iOutSize, double dPeakTrackOffset, BOOL bUseTemp)
void zero_spectra (struct RING_ELEMENT *pring_element)
void add_spectra (struct RING_ELEMENT *pring_elementdest, struct RING_ELEMENT *pring_elementsrc)
void print_spectra (struct RING_ELEMENT *pring_element, char *szPath, double fPeakTrackOffset)
int send_spectra (struct RING_ELEMENT *pring_element, char *szPath, double fPeakTrackOffset)
void setconfig (char *pcBuf, int iOffset, unsigned char cMask, char cValue)
void log_configuration (char *tmp)
void reconfig1 (void)
int reconfig2 (usb_dev_handle *dev)
void End (void)
int main (int argc, char **argv)


char * server = ""
int port = 2000
int fd
hostent * he
sockaddr_in their_addr
int tcpconnectopen = 0
struct {
   char *   name
   double   equatorial_radius
   double   inverse_flattening
   char *   szParameter
   char   cIndex
   char   cMask
   char   cSigned
   snd_pcm_format_t   format
   unsigned int   channels
   unsigned int   rate
   char *   szParameter
   sensor_t *   sensors
   app_t *   applications
   double   fix_time
   double   satellites
   double   latitude
   double   longitude
   double   altitude
   double   voltage
   int   num_procs
   app_t *   processes
config []
unsigned char cur_config [BUF_SIZE]
char szConfigChange [18] = {"0000_00_00_000000"}
char szExecutablePath [256]
char szConfigPathFile [256]
char szLogPathFile [256]
char szSpectraPathFile [256]
char szAlarmPathFile [256]
char szAlarmBGPathFile [256]
int iCollectSeconds
int iDoLog
int bg_period = 3600
time_t bg_previous = 0
int pre_alarm = 1
int post_alarm = 1
int ring_size = 32
int ring_size_prev = 0
int dead_band = 2
int bg_minimum = 20
int ring_insertion_point = 0
int ring_count = 0
double sigma_alarm = 5.0
int force_noalarm = 600
int spectraout_size = 2500
int peaktrack_bin = 750
int peaktrack_roi = 50
int peaktrack_smooth = 6
double fpeaktrack_offset = 0.0
double fpeaktrack_force = 1.0
float fA_TParam
float fA_Param
float fB_TParam
float fB_Param
float fC_TParam
float fC_Param
RING_ELEMENT ring_element
RING_ELEMENT alarm_spectra
RING_ELEMENT bg_spectra
RING_ELEMENT alarmbg_spectra
RING_ELEMENT tmp_spectra
RING_ELEMENT rebin_spectra
RING_ELEMENTring_buffer = NULL

Define Documentation

#define ALARM_FILEPATH_FLAG   0x00002000

Definition at line 80 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define ALARM_TYPE   3

Definition at line 120 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and send_spectra().

#define ALL_FLAGS   0x0003ffff

Definition at line 85 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define BG_MINIMUM_FLAG   0x00008000

Definition at line 82 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define BG_PERIOD_FLAG   0x00000100

Definition at line 75 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define BG_TYPE   6

Definition at line 123 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by send_spectra().

#define BOOL   int

Definition at line 53 of file amptek.c.

#define BUF_SIZE   65

Definition at line 111 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().

#define CLEARBUFF_A   0x80

Definition at line 106 of file amptek.c.

#define CLEARBUFF_B   0x81

Definition at line 107 of file amptek.c.

#define CONFIG_SIZE   64

Definition at line 112 of file amptek.c.

#define D0   0x01

Definition at line 57 of file amptek.c.

#define D1   0x02

Definition at line 58 of file amptek.c.

#define D2   0x04

Definition at line 59 of file amptek.c.

#define D3   0x08

Definition at line 60 of file amptek.c.

#define D4   0x10

Definition at line 61 of file amptek.c.

#define D5   0x20

Definition at line 62 of file amptek.c.

#define D6   0x40

Definition at line 63 of file amptek.c.

#define D7   0x80

Definition at line 64 of file amptek.c.

#define DEAD_BAND_FLAG   0x00000080

Definition at line 74 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define DFF   0xff

Definition at line 65 of file amptek.c.

#define DISABLEMCA   0x83

Definition at line 109 of file amptek.c.

#define ENABLEMCA   0x82

Definition at line 108 of file amptek.c.

#define EP_IN_CONFIGUR   0x85

Definition at line 102 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and reconfig2().

#define EP_IN_SPECTRAA   0x82

Definition at line 99 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().

#define EP_IN_SPECTRAB   0x84

Definition at line 101 of file amptek.c.

#define EP_IN_STATUSA   0x81

Definition at line 98 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().

#define EP_IN_STATUSB   0x83

Definition at line 100 of file amptek.c.

#define EP_OUT   0x01

Definition at line 104 of file amptek.c.

#define EP_OUT_CONFIGUR   0x01

Definition at line 103 of file amptek.c.

#define FALSE   0

Definition at line 55 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and reconfig1().

#define FORCE_NOALARM_FLAG   0x00010000

Definition at line 83 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define FRAGMENTSIZE   1024

Definition at line 131 of file amptek.c.

#define GUARD_TYPE   5

Definition at line 122 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by send_spectra().

#define IPPROTO_SCTP   132

Definition at line 86 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by initialize_ipc(), register_cmd_handler(), and register_data_handler().

#define LOG_DOLOG_FLAG   0x00000008

Definition at line 70 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define LOG_FILEPATH_FLAG   0x00000001

Definition at line 67 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define min x,
 )     (x<y ? x:y)

Definition at line 136 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by VT_timestamp::min_time(), reliable_net(), strength_recv_mesh_discovery(), virtual_time_server(), and AVL_tree< Key >::~AVL_tree().

#define MY_PID   0xA021

Definition at line 92 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by open_dev().

#define MY_VID   0x0BD7

Definition at line 91 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by open_dev().

#define NOSPECTRA_TYPE   0

Definition at line 117 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by send_spectra().

#define PEAKTRACK_BIN_FLAG   0x00000400

Definition at line 77 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define PEAKTRACK_FORCE_FLAG   0x00020000

Definition at line 84 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define PEAKTRACK_ROI_FLAG   0x00000800

Definition at line 78 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define PEAKTRACK_SMOOTH_FLAG   0x00001000

Definition at line 79 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define PKTDELAY   10000

Definition at line 132 of file amptek.c.

#define POST_ALARM_FLAG   0x00000020

Definition at line 72 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define POSTALARM_TYPE   4

Definition at line 121 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by send_spectra().

#define PRE_ALARM_FLAG   0x00000010

Definition at line 71 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define PREALARM_TYPE   2

Definition at line 119 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and send_spectra().

#define PROGVERSION   ""

Definition at line 51 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().

#define REQUESTTYPEIN   0xc8

Definition at line 94 of file amptek.c.

#define REQUESTTYPEOUT   0x48

Definition at line 95 of file amptek.c.

#define RING_SIZE_FLAG   0x00000040

Definition at line 73 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define SIGMA_ALARM_FLAG   0x00000200

Definition at line 76 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define SPECT_FSIZE   (8192)

Definition at line 115 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by add_spectra().

#define SPECT_SIZE   (8192*3+1)

Definition at line 114 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and send_spectra().

#define SPECTRA_FILEPATH_FLAG   0x00000002

Definition at line 68 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define SPECTRA_SECONDS_FLAG   0x00000004

Definition at line 69 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define SPECTRAOUT_SIZE_FLAG   0x00004000

Definition at line 81 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

#define STATUS_SIZE   64

Definition at line 113 of file amptek.c.

#define TRUE   1

Definition at line 54 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().


Definition at line 118 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and send_spectra().

Function Documentation

void add_spectra struct RING_ELEMENT pring_elementdest,
struct RING_ELEMENT pring_elementsrc

Definition at line 322 of file amptek.c.

References RING_ELEMENT::fDuration, RING_ELEMENT::fspectra, RING_ELEMENT::iSqSum, RING_ELEMENT::iSum, and SPECT_FSIZE.

Referenced by main().

void End void   ) 

Definition at line 1347 of file amptek.c.

References print_to_log().

Referenced by main().

char getconfig char *  pcBuf,
int  iOffset,
char  cMask,
char  cSigned

Definition at line 841 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by log_configuration().

void log_configuration char *  tmp  ) 

Definition at line 876 of file amptek.c.

References cIndex, cMask, config, cSigned, getconfig(), print_to_log(), s, and szParameter.

int main int  argc,
char **  argv

Definition at line 1357 of file amptek.c.

References add_spectra(), alarm_spectra, ALARM_TYPE, assert, bg_spectra, bHaveBG, bInAlarm, BUF_SIZE, End(), EP_IN_CONFIGUR, EP_IN_SPECTRAA, EP_IN_STATUSA, FALSE, RING_ELEMENT::fDuration, iCollectSeconds, iDoLog, RING_ELEMENT::iSize, RING_ELEMENT::iSqSum, RING_ELEMENT::iSum, RING_ELEMENT::iType, memcpy, open_dev(), pre_alarm, PREALARM_TYPE, print_to_log(), PROGVERSION, reconfig1(), reconfig2(), ring_buffer, ring_insertion_point, ring_size, s, sigma_alarm, SPECT_SIZE, RING_ELEMENT::status, status, strcmp, szConfigChange, szConfigPathFile, szExecutablePath, szLogPathFile, RING_ELEMENT::time, TRUE, UNASSIGNED_TYPE, and zero_spectra().

usb_dev_handle * open_dev void   ) 

Definition at line 821 of file amptek.c.

References MY_PID, and MY_VID.

Referenced by main().

double PeakTrack double *  dOutSpectrum,
int  iSize,
int  iExpectedBinPeak,
int  iRegionSize,
int  iSmoothWindow

Definition at line 677 of file amptek.c.

References memcpy.

void print_spectra struct RING_ELEMENT pring_element,
char *  szPath,
double  fPeakTrackOffset

Definition at line 332 of file amptek.c.

References pring_element, and RING_ELEMENT::time.

void print_to_log char *   ) 

Definition at line 616 of file amptek.c.

References iDoLog, and szLogPathFile.

Referenced by End(), log_configuration(), main(), reconfig1(), reconfig2(), and send_spectra().

void ReBIN double *  dInSpectrum,
int  iInSize,
double *  dOutSpectrum,
int  iOutSize,
double  dPeakTrackOffset,
BOOL  bUseTemp

Definition at line 745 of file amptek.c.

References Transmogrify().

void reconfig1 void   ) 

Definition at line 892 of file amptek.c.

References ALARM_FILEPATH_FLAG, ALL_FLAGS, bg_minimum, BG_MINIMUM_FLAG, bg_period, BG_PERIOD_FLAG, bg_previous, bHaveBG, bInAlarm, dead_band, DEAD_BAND_FLAG, FALSE, force_noalarm, FORCE_NOALARM_FLAG, fpeaktrack_force, iCollectSeconds, iDoLog, LOG_DOLOG_FLAG, LOG_FILEPATH_FLAG, peaktrack_bin, PEAKTRACK_BIN_FLAG, PEAKTRACK_FORCE_FLAG, peaktrack_roi, PEAKTRACK_ROI_FLAG, peaktrack_smooth, PEAKTRACK_SMOOTH_FLAG, post_alarm, POST_ALARM_FLAG, pre_alarm, PRE_ALARM_FLAG, print_to_log(), ring_size, RING_SIZE_FLAG, ring_size_prev, sigma_alarm, SIGMA_ALARM_FLAG, SPECTRA_FILEPATH_FLAG, SPECTRA_SECONDS_FLAG, spectraout_size, SPECTRAOUT_SIZE_FLAG, strchr, szAlarmBGPathFile, szAlarmPathFile, szConfigPathFile, szLogPathFile, and szSpectraPathFile.

Referenced by main().

int reconfig2 usb_dev_handle *  dev  ) 

Definition at line 1164 of file amptek.c.

References cur_config, EP_IN_CONFIGUR, print_to_log(), and s.

Referenced by main().

int send_spectra struct RING_ELEMENT pring_element,
char *  szPath,
double  fPeakTrackOffset

Definition at line 436 of file amptek.c.


void setconfig char *  pcBuf,
int  iOffset,
unsigned char  cMask,
char  cValue

Definition at line 861 of file amptek.c.

double Transmogrify double  fInPut,
double  fPeakTrackOffset,
BOOL  bUseTemp

Definition at line 657 of file amptek.c.

References fA_Param, fA_TParam, fB_Param, fB_TParam, fC_Param, and fC_TParam.

Referenced by ReBIN().

void zero_spectra struct RING_ELEMENT pring_element  ) 

Definition at line 314 of file amptek.c.

References RING_ELEMENT::fDuration, RING_ELEMENT::fspectra, RING_ELEMENT::iSqSum, RING_ELEMENT::iSum, and pring_element.

Referenced by main().

Variable Documentation

struct RING_ELEMENT alarm_spectra

Definition at line 300 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().

struct RING_ELEMENT alarmbg_spectra

Definition at line 302 of file amptek.c.

int bg_minimum = 20

Definition at line 265 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

int bg_period = 3600

Definition at line 256 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

time_t bg_previous = 0

Definition at line 257 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

struct RING_ELEMENT bg_spectra

Definition at line 301 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().


Definition at line 287 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and reconfig1().


Definition at line 286 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and reconfig1().

char cIndex

Definition at line 142 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by log_configuration().

char cMask

Definition at line 143 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by log_configuration().

struct { ... } config[]

Referenced by ctl_server(), get_configuration(), log_configuration(), main(), Network_graph::Network_graph(), and Source_node_graph::Source_node_graph().

char cSigned

Definition at line 144 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by log_configuration().

unsigned char cur_config[BUF_SIZE]

Definition at line 234 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig2(), and send_spectra().

int dead_band = 2

Definition at line 264 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

float fA_Param

Definition at line 279 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by Transmogrify().

float fA_TParam

Definition at line 278 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by Transmogrify().

float fB_Param

Definition at line 281 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by Transmogrify().

float fB_TParam

Definition at line 280 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by Transmogrify().

float fC_Param

Definition at line 283 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by Transmogrify().

float fC_TParam

Definition at line 282 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by Transmogrify().

int fd

Definition at line 133 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by seismic_init(), tftp_get(), and tftp_put().

int force_noalarm = 600

Definition at line 269 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

double fpeaktrack_force = 1.0

Definition at line 277 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

double fpeaktrack_offset = 0.0

Definition at line 276 of file amptek.c.

struct hostent* he

Definition at line 134 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by find_neighbors(), initialize_ipc(), mesh_ipc_init(), MPI_Init(), raise_soap_event(), strength_send_mesh_discovery(), and virtual_time_server().

int iCollectSeconds

Definition at line 251 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and reconfig1().

int iDoLog

Definition at line 253 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), print_to_log(), and reconfig1().

int peaktrack_bin = 750

Definition at line 273 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

int peaktrack_roi = 50

Definition at line 274 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

int peaktrack_smooth = 6

Definition at line 275 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

int port = 2000

Definition at line 130 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by mesh_ioctl(), and tftp_init().

int post_alarm = 1

Definition at line 261 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

int pre_alarm = 1

Definition at line 260 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and reconfig1().

struct RING_ELEMENT* pring_element

Referenced by print_spectra(), send_spectra(), and zero_spectra().

struct RING_ELEMENT rebin_spectra

Definition at line 304 of file amptek.c.

struct RING_ELEMENT* ring_buffer = NULL

Definition at line 305 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().

int ring_count = 0

Definition at line 267 of file amptek.c.

struct RING_ELEMENT ring_element

int ring_insertion_point = 0

Definition at line 266 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().

int ring_size = 32

Definition at line 262 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and reconfig1().

int ring_size_prev = 0

Definition at line 263 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

char* server = ""

Definition at line 129 of file amptek.c.

double sigma_alarm = 5.0

Definition at line 268 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and reconfig1().

int spectraout_size = 2500

Definition at line 272 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

char szAlarmBGPathFile[256]

Definition at line 249 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

char szAlarmPathFile[256]

Definition at line 247 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

char szConfigChange[18] = {"0000_00_00_000000"}

Definition at line 237 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().

char szConfigPathFile[256]

Definition at line 241 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), and reconfig1().

char szExecutablePath[256]

Definition at line 239 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main().

char szLogPathFile[256]

Definition at line 243 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by main(), print_to_log(), and reconfig1().

char* szParameter

Definition at line 141 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by log_configuration().

char szSpectraPathFile[256]

Definition at line 245 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by reconfig1().

int tcpconnectopen = 0

Definition at line 137 of file amptek.c.

struct sockaddr_in their_addr

Definition at line 135 of file amptek.c.

Referenced by gather_statistics(), mesh_ipc_init(), and MPI_Init().

struct RING_ELEMENT tmp_spectra

Definition at line 303 of file amptek.c.

© 2007, Los Alamos National Security, LLC.